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In this page you'll find information about the pre-requisites required by each degree programme within the framework of the UC special call for applications for international students.

Pre-requisites are capacities of functional, physical, sport, interpersonal, and vision nature, which are required by some degree programmes. These degree programmes are listed in this table.

Specification of the pre-requisites

Pre-requisite of the Group B - Interpersonal Communication

1. Objectives and nature of the pre-requisites:

  • 1.1. The pre-requisites of the Group B aim to prove that the applicants have interpersonal communication capacity adequate to the requirements of the degree programme. More specifically, it means that the applicants cannot present psychic, sensory or motor disabilities, which interfere severely with their funcional and communicative capacities, thus impeding self-learning or the learning of third-parties.
  • 1.2. As it is a selection pre-requisite, the result of the result of the pre-requisites' evaluation is expressed by the expressions: "Able" or "Not Able", causing no influence in the calculation of the final admission score.

2. Evaluation and Proof:

The evaluation is done by a physician registered in the Portuguese Medical Association or by the Medical Services of UC (evaluation subject to the payment of a fee according to this price list).

The proof is a Medical Declaration under the terms of the template attached to the Annual Resolution, which defines the pre-requisites within the framework of the general access and admission competition to the Portuguese higher education.

Students admitted to degrees that require this pre-requisite will receive more information, after their arrival in Coimbra, during UC welcome sessions.


The applicants who are not able to present a proof of pre-requisites in the moment of the application must self-declare* that they have them. The confirmation of those pre-requisites is done after the arrival of the students, upon appointment made by the university services, within the maximum time limit of three months after the start of the classes.

3. Concepts:

3.1. Applicants with physical disability:

  • People with permanent, congenital or acquired, motor disability that show significant limitations of the neuromuscular functions related to movement, resulting, at the level of participation in activities, in accentuated difficulties in the performance of the functions of the articulations and of the bone structure, of the muscles and of movement, in the self-automony and in the mobility, thus requiring specialised support all through the learning and teaching process in the secondary education school or equivalent school. 

3.2. Applicants with sensory disability:

  • 3.2.1 Permanent bilateral visual impairment (blindness or low vision) - people with significant limitations of the visual functions or of the structures adjacent to the eye, resulting, at the level of participation in activities, in accentuated difficulties in communication (reading and writing), in orientation and mobility, in the learning and application of the knowledge, thus requiring specialised support all through the learning and teaching process in the secondary education school or equivalent school.

3.2.2. Severe or profound bilateral hearing loss:

  • People with significant limitations of the hearing functions, resulting, at the level of participation in activities, in accentuated difficulties in communication (reading and writing), even using prosthetic hearing devices, thus requiring specialised support all through the learning and teaching process in the secondary education school or equivalent school.

Pre-requisites of the Group C - Functional, physical and sports fitness

1. Objectives and nature of the pre-requisites:

  • 1.1. The pre-requisites of the Group C aim to prove that the applicants have functional, physical and sport fitness adequate to the requirements of the degree programme. The sport fitness test has two parts: Functional Fitness (A) and Physical Fitness (B).
  • 1.2. As it is a selection pre-requisite, the result of the pre-requisites' evaluation is expressed by the expressions: "Able" or "Not Able", causing no influence in the calculation of the final admission score.

2. Evaluation and Proof:

The evaluation of the sport examinations is done by the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of UC (evaluation subject to the payment of a fee according to this price list).

The proof is the Pre-requisite Form issued by the Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education of UC, under the terms of the template attached to the Annual Resolution, which defines the pre-requisites within the framework of the general access and admission competition to the Portuguese higher education.

Students admitted to degrees that require this pre-requisite will receive more information, after their arrival in Coimbra, during UC welcome sessions.


The applicants who are not able to present a proof of pre-requisites in the moment of the application must self-declare* that they have them. The confirmation of those pre-requisites is done after the arrival of the students, upon appointment made by the university services, within the maximum time limit of three months after the start of the classes.

3. Contents:

3.1. Functional fitness

The applicant shall provide a medical proof of his/her "Able" condition, so as to ensure that the functional conditions necessary to the practice of physical activities and sports are met. This declaration shall state that the applicant has not any restriction regarding the practice of sports.

3.2. Physical fitness

The applicant shall perform the following practice tests:

  • a) Athletics: long jump and endurance run; 
  • b) Swimming: 50m using one of the oficials strokes (free-style, backstroke; breaststroke and butterfly), all them beginning with an official start;
  • c) Gymnastics: one floor exercise and one vault;
  • d) Collective sports - two of the following: handball, basketball, football, volleyball. 

Note: the applicant is considered "Able" if he/she performs all sports successfully.

Pre-requisites of the Group D – Vision capacity

1. Objectives and nature of the pre-requisites:

  • 1.1. The pre-requisites of the Group D aim to prove that the applicants have vision capacity and the capacity to see forms and colours, according to the requirements of the degree programme.
  • 1.2. As it is a selection pre-requisite, the result of the result of the pre-requisites' evaluation is expressed by the expressions: "Able" or "Not Able", causing no influence in the calculation of the final admission score.

2. Evaluation and Proof:

The evaluation is done by a physician registered in the Portuguese Medical Association or by the Medical Services of UC (evaluation subject to the payment of a fee according to this price list).

The proof is a Medical Declaration under the terms of the template attached to the Annual Resolution, which defines the pre-requisites within the framework of the general access and admission competition to the Portuguese higher education.

Students admitted to degrees that require this pre-requisite will receive more information, after their arrival in Coimbra, during UC welcome sessions.


The applicants who are not able to present a proof of pre-requisites in the moment of the application must self-declare* that they have them. The confirmation of those pre-requisites is done after the arrival of the students, upon appointment made by the university services, within the maximum time limit of three months after the start of the classes.

* Templates will be available in the application tool.