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Instructions to Authors

Publication Guidelines

1. Text presentation

1.1 Text files (file types .docx, .rtf or .odt) should be submitted through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform:

1.2 Conimbriga publishes original texts in Portuguese, Castilian, English, French, and Italian.

1.3 Authors should follow the current spelling and grammar norms applicable to their languages, namely those regarding: capitalization; the use of a blank space following a punctuation mark; the beginning of the indented paragraph, with no double line spacing separating it from the previous paragraph; the use of italics for foreign words.

1.4 Articles must not exceed 90,000 characters (including spaces) and must be typed in Times New Roman, using 11-point for body text and 9-point for footnotes, with 1.5 line spacing. Longer texts will only be accepted in exceptional and duly justified circumstances.

1.5 Direct citations (transcriptions of excerpts) more than three lines long should be separated from the body of the text with a blank line before and after, a 0.5cm indent, and font size 10, maintaining the line spacing.

2. Authorship and abstract

Articles should be preceded by a cover page including the title, the name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation(s), email(s), ORCID code(s), an abstract (maximum of 1 000 characters with spaces) and keywords (between 3 and 5) in the language of the text and in English or in Portuguese and English when these are not the languages of the text.

3. Citations

In-text citations should be enclosed between brackets and include the surname(s) of the author(s), the publication date, and the number(s) of the corresponding page(s), using the conjunction “and” when referring to two or three authors and the abbreviation “et al.”, corresponding to the Latin expression et alii/ae, when there are more than three authors. [v. g. (Mattoso, 1988: 100), (Buonopane and Matrocinque, 2004), (Étienne, Makaroun, and Mayet, 1994), (Ramil Rego et al., 2005-2006: 540)]

4. Footnotes

4.1 Footnotes should be brief and kept to a minimum. They should be used only to provide additional information to support the main text.

4.2 Still, if they are absolutely necessary, footnotes should be numbered consecutively.

5. Bibliography

5.1 A list of bibliographic references shall be included at the end of the article. These references must be arranged alphabetically by the authors’ surnames (in small capitals). Multiple works by the same author must be arranged by the corresponding dates of publication. If two texts share the same author and date, a lowercase letter will be added to distinguish between them (1984a, 1984b...).

5.2 All authors should be cited by their last name (v. g. Vasconcelos, José Leite de) except for Spanish authors, who are ordered by their second surname (v. g. Blázquez Martínez, José María).

5.3 The author’s first name should be written in full to facilitate their identification.

5.4 The titles of works and the names of scientific journals should be italicized.

5.5 As for works, the surname(s) and name(s) of the author(s) should be followed by the year of publication between round brackets, the title preceded by a dash, and the place of publication [v. g. Alarcão, Jorge de (2018) – A Lusitânia e a Galécia: do séc. II a. C. ao séc. VI d. C., Coimbra].

5.6 Collective works are identified by the surname(s) and name(s) of their editor(s) [ed. or eds.] or coordinator(s) [coord. or coords.] [v. g. Renfrew, Colin; Bahn, Paul, eds. (2014) – The Cambridge World Prehistory, Cambridge.]

5.7 With regard to contributions to collective works, the surname(s) and name(s) of the author(s) should be followed by the year of publication between round brackets, the title of the chapter preceded by a dash, and the reference to the collective work preceded by in and followed by the corresponding pages [v. g. Encarnação, José d’ (2017) – A singularidade cultural do SW da Lusitânia romana, in Bermejo Barrera, José Carlos; García Sánchez, Manel, eds. – ΔΕΣΜΟΙ ΦΙΛΙΛΣ. Bonds of Friendship: Studies in Ancient History in Honour of Francisco Javier Fernández Nieto, Barcelona, pp. 105-121].

5.8 As for journals, the surname(s) and name(s) of the author(s) will be followed by the year of publication between round brackets, the title of the article preceded by a dash, the name of the journal, the volume number in Arabic numerals, and the corresponding pages [v. g. Mantas, Vasco (2019) – Da capital da Lusitânia a Bracara Augusta pela serra da Estrela, Conimbriga, 58, pp. 255-300].

5.9 Journals can be identified by the acronyms used in L’Année Philologique. If useful, the bibliography may be preceded by a table of abbreviations.

5.10 If possible, the place of publication (not needed for journals) should be translated into the article’s language. The publisher can be omitted.

5.11 Articles and other contributions in electronic documents should, whenever possible, include the surname(s) and name(s) of the author(s), the date of publication between round brackets, the title of the contribution preceded by a dash, the name of the publication, the type of support (between square brackets), the volume number in Arabic numerals and, if applicable, the corresponding pages, followed by information on the update or revision dates (between square brackets) and the availability and access dates. [v. g. Lorrio, A. J.; Ruiz Zapatero, G. (2005) – The Celts in Iberia: An Overview, e-Keltoi [online], 6, pp. 167-254. Publ. 1 Feb 2005 [Access. 16 Oct 2021]. Available at:]

5.12 The corresponding DOI or URL can be included at the end of the references, preceded and followed by a full stop.

6. Images/Graphs/Tables

6.1 Graphic elements that support the text, as well as their respective captions, must be submitted separately and duly identified and numbered.

6.2 Images, graphs, and tables must follow a sequential order: FIG (figure) 1, 2..., except for photographs, which must be ordered separately as FOT (photograph) 1, 2...

6.3 Images should be sent as .jpg or .tiff files with a minimum resolution of 400 dpi. They will be presented at the end of the text in the following dimensions: 11 x 7,5, 11 x 17 or 17 x 24, in line with the publication’s layout (11x17 cm).

6.4 Images that cannot be printed in their original size will be shrunk. Thus, plans and photographs must include a graphic scale and a reference to the North-South axis.

6.5 It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to publish images subject to copyright laws.

6.6 Tables or graphs sent in editable files (file types .docx, .rtf or .odt) will also be presented at the end of the text.

6.7 The print edition of the journal publishes images, graphs, and tables in black and white or in grayscale, while the digital version can include images, graphs, and tables in colour if submitted by the authors.

6.8 The Editorial Board may ask authors to reduce the number of images.

7. Reviews

7.1 Reviewed works will be identified following the model used for the bibliography, with the addition of the number of pages and the International Standard Book Number (ISBN).

7.2 Texts must not exceed 10,000 characters with spaces and should not include footnotes.


1. The Editorial Board assumes that authors have carefully revised their texts, so editors will only check the formatting.

2. Authors will only be sent the first proofs of the texts accepted for publication and should not make changes to the text, except for correcting typos and spelling errors.

Right of refusal

The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse publishing texts with low scientific quality or featuring low-quality graphic elements. These decisions will always be justified, except for the right of reply prescribed in the Press Law.