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Maria da Graça Rasteiro

Maria Graça Rasteiro

Maria da Graça Bontempo Vaz Rasteiro

Associate Professor

Aggregation in Chemical Engineering, University of Coimbra, 2012

PhD in Chemical Engineering, Universidade de Coimbra, 1988

Diploma in Chemical Engineering, University of Coimbra, 1975

E-mail address
Teaching activities

Separation Processes

Physical Chemistry of Surfaces

Disperse Systems Technologies

Research group
Particles, Polymers and Biomaterials Technology (PPB)

Research interests

Particle technology including particle characterization (micro and nanoparticles)

Multiphase processes including modelling and experimental (immiscible liquids, particles and fiber suspensions)

Rheology of suspensions including fiber suspensions

Tomographic techniques for multiphase flow visualization

Aggregation/flocculation of particles (experimental and modelling - population balance models)

Valorization of ligno-cellulosic materials – development of natural polyelectrolytes

Remediation of soils

Funded research projects

ECOFLOC Optimize - FP7 ITN/EID 604825, "Combining an eco-friendly approach and a product performance approach to develop novel flocculation strategies”

COST Action FP1306 – “Valorisation of lignocellulosic biomass side streams for sustainable production of chemicals, materials & fuels using low environmental impact technologies” - member of the managing committee

COST Action FP 1005, “Fibre Suspension Flow Modelling – a Key for Innovation and Competitiveness in the Pulp & Paper Industry”, 2011-2014: member of the managing committee and coordinator of Working Group "Predicting pulp behaviour with the use of single-phase continuum rheology"

FCT- PTDC/AAC-AMB/120697/2010 – REALISE – “Derivation of Risk Limits for the Protection of Soil Ecosystem from Emerging Compounds"

“Using CFD to Model Fibre Suspensions Flows - FIBERFLOW”, 2010-2013 (cooperation with Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain and Technical University of Czestochowa, Poland) - PTDC/EQU-EQU/112388/2009

Key publications

Anita Lourenço, Julien Arnold, Olivier J. Cayre and Maria G. Rasteiro, “Flocculation Treatment of an Industrial Effluent: Performance Assessment by Laser Diffraction Spectroscopy”, 57 (7) 2628-2637, 2018.

Kinga Grenda, Julien Arnold, José Gamelas, Maria Graca Rasteiro, “Environmental Friendly Cellulose-Based Polyelectrolytes in Wastewater Treatment”, Water Science & Technology, 76 (6), 1490-1499, 2017.

Martim P. S. R. Matos & António Alberto S. Correia & Maria G. Rasteiro, "Application of carbon nanotubes to immobilize heavy metals in contaminated soils", J. Nanoparticles Research, 19 (126), 2017.

C. Cotas, D. Asendrych, F. Garcia, M. G. Rasteiro, “Modelling of Concentrated Fibre Suspensions Flow with Low Re k-ɛ Turbulent Models: New Damping Function”, Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 32 (1), 2017.

R. Silva, P. Faia, F. A. P. Garcia, M. G. Rasteiro, “Characterization of Solid-Liquid Settling Suspensions Using Electrical Impedance Tomography: a Comparison Between Numerical Experimental and Visual Information”, Chem. Eng. Res. & Design, 111, 233-242, 2016.

E. Antunes, F. A. P. Garcia, A. Blanco, C. Negro, M. G. Rasteiro, “Evaluation of the flocculation and re-flocculation performance of a system with calcium carbonate, cationic acrylamide copolymers and bentonite microparticles”, Industrial & Eng. Chem. Research, 54, 198-206, 2015.

Galindo, T. P. S., R. Pereira, A. C. Freitas, T. A. P. Santos-Rocha, M. G. Rasteiro, F. Antunes, A. M. V.M. Soares, F. Gonçalves, A. C. Duarte, D. Rodrigues, I. Lopes, "Toxicity of organic and inorganic nanoparticles to four species of white-rot fungi", Science of the Total Env., 48, 460, 290-297, 2013

M. G. Rasteiro, R. Silva, F. A. P. Garcia, P. Faia, “Electrical Tomography: a Review of Configurations and Applications to Particulate Processes”, KONA Powder & Particle J., 29, 67-80 (2011). (by invitation)

E. Antunes, F. A. P. Garcia, P. Ferreira, A. Blanco, C. Negro, M.G. Rasteiro, “Modelling PCC flocculation by bridging mechanism using population balances: effect of polymer characteristics on flocculation”, Chemical Eng. Sc., 65, 3798-3807 (2010).

M.G. Rasteiro, L. Ferreira, J. Teixeira, F.P. Bernardo, M.G. Carvalho, A. Ferreira, R.Q. Ferreira, F.A.P. Garcia, C.M.S.G. Baptista, N. Oliveira, M. Quina, L. Santos, P.A. Saraiva, A. Mendes, F. Magalhães, A.S. Almeida, J. Granjo, M. Ascenso, R. M. Bastos, R. Borges, “LABVIRTUAL - a Virtual Platform to Teach Chemical Processes”, IChemE Transactions D - Education for Chemical Engineers, 4, e9–e19 (2009)

M. G. Rasteiro, R. Silva, F. A. P. Garcia, P. Faia, “Electrical Tomography: a Review of Configurations and Applications to Particulate Processes”, KONA Powder & Particle J., 29, 67-80 (2011). (by invitation)

E. Antunes, F. A. P. Garcia, P. Ferreira, A. Blanco, C. Negro, M.G. Rasteiro, “Modelling PCC flocculation by bridging mechanism using population balances: effect of polymer characteristics on flocculation”, Chemical Eng. Sc., 65, 3798-3807 (2010).

M.G. Rasteiro, L. Ferreira, J. Teixeira, F.P. Bernardo, M.G. Carvalho, A. Ferreira, R.Q. Ferreira, F.A.P. Garcia, C.M.S.G. Baptista, N. Oliveira, M. Quina, L. Santos, P.A. Saraiva, A. Mendes, F. Magalhães, A.S. Almeida, J. Granjo, M. Ascenso, R. M. Bastos, R. Borges, “LABVIRTUAL - a Virtual Platform to Teach Chemical Processes”, IChemE Transactions D - Education for Chemical Engineers, 4, e9–e19 (2009)

Theses supervision

Deividson Silveira, "Análise e modelização do escoamento de misturas óleo/água em condutas", University of Coimbra (scholarship "Ciência sem Fronteiras", Brazil), on-going

Anita da Silva Lourenço, “Oil/solvent free synthesis processes for production of polyelectrolytes”, PhD in Chemical Engineering by University of Coimbra in cooperation with Aqua+Tech, Switzerland, within the project Marie-Curie ITN-EID 604825, 2018

Kinga Grenda, “Development of polymers/polyelectrolytes based on renewable resources”, PhD in Chemical Engineering by University of Coimbra in cooperation with Aqua+Tech, Switzerland, within the project Marie-Curie ITN-EID 604825, 2018

Carla Cotas, “Aplicação de Ferramentas de CFD à Modelização do Escoamento de Suspensões de Fibras”, University of Coimbra and co-operation with Czestochowa University (Poland), 2016

Elisabete S. Antunes, "Flocculation Studies in Papermaking", PhD in Chemical Engineering by Universidade de Coimbra, October 2009 (co-supervision with Universidad Complutense Madrid) - European PhD

Other information

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6084-4553

Member of the Working Group on Particulate Systems Characterization of EFCE

Member of the European Editorial Board of KONA-Powders and Particles

Member of the Regional Board of Directors of Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal

Founding member of SPEE - Sociedade Portuguesa de Educação em Engenharia and coordinator, previously coordinator of Group 2 - "Using Information Technologies in Engineering Education" and vice-President of the Direction Board

“ERCOFTAC: European Research Community on Flow Turbulence and Combustion”, working group “SIG 43- Special Interest Group on Fibre Suspension Flows”, member of the “Steering Committee”