/ Education / Masters

Master in Informatics Security


The Master in Informatics Security (MSI) aims to meet the demand of professionals in the area of Cyber Security and the needs created by the Network and Information Systems Security (NIS) Directive of the European Union. This course offers skills in several aspects of security such as cryptography, privacy, communications and infrastructure security, software security, and legal aspects of privacy and cybersecurity.

MSI is aimed at students who are in the job market, although it does not work entirely in an after-labor regime. Most classes take place after 6 pm, the theoretical classes are recorded and streamed (to allow remote participation) and most of the practical work can be done asynchronously, with remote support from the teachers.

The MSI career opportunities will be mostly on large companies and multinationals, in the ICT, telecommunications, consulting, banking and services, in the European area, where the skills in the computer security area are increasingly needed, and there is a great shortage of professionals with specific expertise in this area.

Curriculum Plan

The work to be carried out by a student during an academic year, according to the indicative plan of the study cycle and on a full-time basis, corresponds to 60 ECTS.

See curriculum plan ↗

Application Info


1st phase -> 01/03/2024 to 1/04/2024
2nd phase -> 03/06/2024 to 15/07/2024
3rd phase -> 02/09/2024 to 13/09/2024


1st phase -> 6 places
2nd phase -> 12 places
3rd phase -> 2 + remaining places


The MSI aims to accommodate students in the labour market and operates on an after-work basis. Most classes take place after 6 pm, lectures are recorded and streamed (to allow remote participation), and a substantial part of the practical work can be done asynchronously, with remote support from the lecturers. Written exams must be taken in person at the Department of Computer Engineering.


UC Student ↗ | Others ↗

Additional Information

Course Coordination

Paulo Rupino

Bruno Sousa

COORDINATION EMAIL —> coord-msi@dei.uc.pt