




The Steering committees of IJCAR and FSCD have decided that both conferences will be held as Virtual Conferences, which entails that the physical event is cancelled, so ThEdu'20 physical event in itself is cancelled.

It is our feeling that a virtual meeting might not allow us to fully reproduce the usual face-to-face networking opportunities of our event. So, unfortunately, the ThEdu'20 had better be cancelled.

Given that many of you may already have planned and worked for this moment, we feel that ThEdu'20 can still "live" in the form of an EPTCS volume, a ThEdu'20 special volume of EPTCS.

Please submit to the EPTCS ThEdu'20 Proceedings.

Important Dates

 * Call for papers: 17 April
 * Submission, full papers: 14 June new extended deadline: 21 June
 * Notification of acceptance: 12 July 19 July
 * Revised papers due: 13 September

Thank you, let's meet again at ThEdu'21


9th International Workshop on Theorem Proving Components for Educational Software (ThEdu'20) is part of "Paris Nord Summer of LoVe 2020", a joint event on LOgic and VErification at Université Paris 13, made of Petri Nets 2020, IJCAR 2020, FSCD 2020, and over 20 satellite events (June and July 2020).

Computer  Theorem Proving is becoming a paradigm as well as a technological base for a new generation of educational software in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The workshop brings together experts in automated deduction with experts in education in order to further clarify the shape of the new software generation and to discuss existing systems. Topics of interest include:

  • methods of automated deduction applied to checking students' input;
  • methods of automated deduction applied to prove post-conditions for particular problem solutions;
  • combinations of deduction and computation enabling systems to propose next steps;
  • automated provers specific for dynamic geometry systems;
  • proof and proving in mathematics education.

Invited Talk

Gilles Dowek, ENS Paris-Saclay

Special Session

Edukera: previous experiments, and future project, organized by Julien Narboux, University of Strasbourg